PL’s – Data Collection

Project Leaders: Data Collection

Refer to the how-to box turtle research manual, Box Turtle Connection–Legacy, for information on collecting data.

Components of box turtle research.

  1. Setting up your study.
  2. Recording & Submitting your data.

Protocols – Capture & Release:

    • Do not allow turtles to be introduced into your study site even if they are homeless. We want to study the native population.


    • Release turtles as quickly as possible after recording data.


    • Always return a turtle to the location where it was found. However, if you find a turtle in the middle of the road, you should move it about 20 feet off of the road in the direction it was facing when you found it.


Protocols – Sick & Injured Turtles:

    • Note injuries and include cause if known.


    • You may put epoxy and tape over injury to the shell.


    • Note respiratory infections (swollen eyes, discharge from nose and mouth) and any other signs of illness or disease the turtle may be displaying.


    • Record dead turtles as well. Check for and record markings on dead turtles.


Box Turtle, Photo by Lynn Moseley